mfp 1.5.4 (2023-07-19)
- Fixed a bug where variables with nested names were incorrectly excluded from the model.
mfp 1.5.3
- Added term predictions including first and second derivatives.
- Rewrote vignette as an .Rmd file and added a terms prediction example.
- Corrected the use of offsets in glm models.
- Changed rescale default: Now, by default `rescale = FALSE'.
mfp 1.5.2 (2015-09-09)
- Minor corrections (Vignette float options error; function namespace).
mfp 1.5.1 (2015-02-04)
- Minor corrections (Vignette keywords updated).
mfp 1.5.0 (2014-10-02)
- New maintainer; 'vignettes' directory added.
mfp 1.4.9 (2010-11-29)
- Minor corrections in fp.rescale.
mfp 1.4.8 (2010-09-21)
- Call of final fitted glm/coxph model corrected (parent frame was missing).
- plot.mfp (temporarily) removed.
- Correction of rescaling procedure of log trafos in fp.rescale.
mfp 1.4.7
- summary.mfp added to avoid problems calling summary directly on mfp object.
mfp 1.4.6 (2008-08-29)
mfp 1.4.5 (2008-06-26)
- Minor corrections of component 'fit'.
mfp 1.4.4 (2008-04-07)
mfp 1.4.3 (2007-12-12)
- Corrected in object$fit: Use quadratic in ln(X) when powers=(0,0).
mfp 1.4.2 (2007-11-13)
- Minor corrections to use 'subset' properly and to allow to ignore 'data'.
mfp 1.4.0 (2007-05-17)
- Data set 'GBSG' from the JRSS-A paper replaced by its Stata version.
- 'rescale' argument added to function call.
- 'keep' argument added to function call.
- Verbose output now shows also transformation functions of covariates.
mfp 1.3.2 (2005-12-21)
- Scaling of variables is added to model fit used for output component 'fit'.
mfp 1.3.1 (2005-09-24)
- Output corrected for FP2 with equal powers.
- mfp now works even without any FP call.
- New argument 'method' to select method for tie handling in Cox models.
- Vignette updated.
mfp 1.3.0 (2005-05-29)
- Changes in the primary ordering of variables.
- Scaling changed.
- Likelihood ratio tests are now used for all selections.
- Plot of functional form corrected.
- Print function corrected.
- Value of mfp fit has new component `fit'.
mfp 1.2.2 (2004-08-10)
- plot.mfp changed: new argument `var'.
- New dataset `bodyfat' to be used as an example for linear regression.
- Vignette included.
mfp 1.2.1 (2004-07-30)